What should I pay attention to when maintaining a sightseeing car- The sightseeing car battery is very important

Catagory: Industry News

The batteries used in electric sightseeing vehicles are generally divided into maintenance free lead-acid batteries, water filled lead-acid batteries, and lithium batteries. In electric sightseeing vehicles, the battery should be the most important component in the entire vehicle. What should we pay attention to when maintaining our scenic sightseeing vehicles?

The first thing is to ensure the stability of the battery. During the operation of electric vehicles, there will inevitably be bumps, and firmly installed batteries will not cause power interruption due to vibration causing the battery circuit wires to fall off.

Then, if it is a lead-acid battery with added water, we should regularly check the height of the battery liquid. During the charging and discharging process of a battery, the water in the electrolyte will gradually decrease due to electrolysis and evaporation, resulting in a decrease in the electrolytic liquid level. If not supplemented in a timely manner, it will shorten the service life of the battery. If the height of the electrolytic liquid level of the vehicle battery is lower than the upper and lower water lines, distilled water should be replenished in a timely manner.

Secondly, it is necessary to charge the battery in a timely manner. Whether it is a water filled or maintenance free battery, there is a battery capacity indicator light on its surface. Usually, when the battery is fully charged, the green indicator light will light up, and when the battery is low, the red light will light up, indicating that charging is necessary. After the battery is discharged or before stopping use, it should be charged in a timely manner to avoid hardening of the electrode plate and shortening the battery’s service life.

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