Chinese Golf Carts – Introduction to Golf Carts

Catagory: Industry News

For those who frequently play golf, it is common knowledge that using a golf cart on the course is a necessity. After all, golf courses are vast, and walking the entire distance can be physically exhausting. So, who are the manufacturers of golf carts in China? Below, I will introduce some relevant information about golf carts, hoping to be helpful to you.

Golf carts are environmentally-friendly passenger vehicles designed specifically for golf courses. They can also be used in resorts, tourist attractions, and other places. From golf courses and villas to private users, golf carts have become a popular mode of short-distance transportation.

Chinese Golf Carts

Chinese golf carts have a unique and innovative design. They are built to navigate the terrain of golf courses and consider the comfort of passengers, including the elderly and children. Golf carts have low chassis and low speeds, ensuring a smooth ride. When driving a golf cart, maintaining a constant speed is recommended to avoid generating excessive noise due to acceleration.

When driving a golf cart, it is important to adhere to the 90-degree rule, which many people may not be familiar with. This rule requires golf cart drivers to stay on the main path and make a 90-degree turn when reaching a position level with the ball landing spot, allowing them to cross the fairway directly to the side of the ball. The 90-degree rule minimizes damage to the turf.

After each use, golf carts require regular maintenance, including cleaning the exterior and timely recharging the batteries. Daily maintenance can be performed by the driver before and after each use, as well as during breaks during use, without taking up much time. This regular maintenance ensures the safety and comfort of the ride and eliminates potential hazards, making it necessary for drivers.

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